A little sprinkle of rain sped up our stop at Lake Pectola. A man made reservoir seventy feet deep with a beautiful ride over it's dam. The scenery is just breath taking.
The ride south on 389 took us through Hill City then onward to Crazy Horse. This man made sculpture way high up on the mountian features so far the face of the Indian known as Crazy Horse. How many years it'll be when it's complete is unknown since funding is sparce.
After crazy horse we made our way over to the Needles Highway. Twists and turns brought us up steep rocks, and through single laned tunnels through these rocks. Hair pin curves wove through and through.
The views were amazing. Videos and more pics to come.
After the Needles highway, and catching up with Al and Cathy, we continued our tour through the Black Hills into the Praries at Custer Wildlife Park in search of Buffalo. Our luck that day only brought one lone buffalo wandering up the side of the road lumbering it's head left and right searching for some food. We figured this guy, number 5, was pretty lost. He had ventured far from the herd since we found him outside of the wildlife park.
A bundle of stopped cars pointed us to another to another laying by a creek. With too many spectators we kept moving on.
Over another hill we were graced by the presence of a herd of jackasses, one stickin his head inside a mini van.
Our trip through the wildlife loop was done and we were now making our way up Iron Mountain Road towards Mt Rushmore. Another road like the Needles, hair pin turns, switch backs, one lane tunnels, and pig tail turns that loop over each other using wooden tressel bridges. Just an overall fun road to venture on. I've gotten more comfortable with these and got many lil movie clips of this great road (to come).
So in pain (havin an issue with a nerve in
my foot) and a bit stiff, we arrive at Mount Rushmore. It's ok, busy, touristy (and for those that know me you know I'm just not into that stuff) I do have to admit the presentation is nice. And I do feel bad for the president dude stuck in the corner.
I know, it's a dark photo, I'm on the road gimme a break. Here's on of Alex and I. I look so happy.
And a favorite sign of mine. What's funny is that I had had a dream about a chipmunk in the camper earlier that morning. And here I am with the plague ridden rodents.
The trip home was long and speedy.
There are 8 buffalo about 4 miles from my house.